报告题目:Three Laws of Cyber-Physical Digitization for Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing
报告人:Professor George Q. Huang(香港理工大学)
报告时间:2024年12月20日 14:30-16:30
报告地点:九游体育 702室
To automate or to digitize, thit is no longer a question for industrial transformation. While automation is situational, digitization is imperative to develop Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing cyber-physical systems. Both strategies share the same aim at creating values, critical masses and interoperability. But they lead to differing cost and impacts when operational settings vary. If industrial operations are repetitive and the repetition is substantial with prevailing certainty, then automation is an appropriate strategy for most cost-effective industrial transformation. However, significant proportion of industrial operations are still human-centric and cannot be fully automated. Digitization is often associated with so-called “Three High Problems”, namely high cost, high risk and high technical threshold. This talk presents three laws for tackling the Three High Problems. The Three Laws are (i) The First Law of Universal Value – The Value Law; (ii) The Second Law of Sharing Equilibrium – The Sharing Law; and (iii) The Third Law of Cyber-Physical Entanglement – The Entanglement / Coupling Law. The talk will outline the principles and properties of the three laws and demonstrate how they can be utilized for cost-effective digitization.
黄国全教授于2022年12月加入香港理工大学工业与系统工程系,成为智能制造讲座教授、香港理工大学先进制造研究院副院长。在此之前,黄教授任职香港大学工业及制造系统工程系讲座教授、系主任。 黄教授毕业于南京工学院(东南大学)机械系,并于英国Cardiff大学取得博士学位。 黄教授从八十年代中期攻读博士学位开始,长期以来从事智能制造、智能物流和智能建筑的研究,主持了政府研究基金、大学和企业研发资助近一亿五千万港元,另外参与项目超过一亿五千万港元,发表了一系列的学术论文、专著编著、专题特辑,并得到同行们的广泛引用,成为1%全球最为广泛被引用学者。 黄教授为十多个国际杂志担任过编委或副主编,是美国电气电子工程学会会士(FIEEE)、美国机械工程学会会士(FASME)、英国物流及运输学会会士(FCILT)、英国 工程技术学会会士(FIET)、香港工程师学会会士(FHKIE)、美国工业工程学会会士(FIISE)。 黄教授曾入选国家基金委杰出青年、国家人才计划、广东省科技合作奖、教育部自然科学一等奖、广东省科技进步一等奖。最近围绕元联网的智能制造、智能物流和智能建造等主题,主持香港研究基金委和创新科技的多个重大立项。
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