


Date:2020.09.29 viewed:213

Title: Fuzzy sets Mini Course


(1)Fundamentals: information granules and Granular Computing. Main concepts. Human-centric systems for data analytics, explainability and interpretability, explainable Artificial Intelligence, fundamental concepts of fuzzy sets and interval analysis.

(2)Computing with fuzzy sets: calculus of intervals and fuzzy sets, representation theorem, operations on fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations, extension principle, fuzzy arithmetic, higher type, higher order fuzzy sets and hybrid fuzzy sets

(3)Elicitation of fuzzy sets: user-oriented elicitation of membership functions, fuzzy clustering,

the principle of justifiable granularity, granulation and degranulation processes

(4)Fuzzy models: essential features, main categories of models, calculus of rules and design of rule-based models, inference mechanisms, linguistic models

(5)Classification and knowledge representation with information granules, knowledge representation with fuzzy cognitive maps, fuzzy associative memories.

Lecturer: Witold Pedrycz

Date/Time: 9:00 – 10:30AM, 14 Oct, 2020

Online Platform: Tencent Conference ID: 43644667252 (QQ Group: 687807963)

Brief introduction of the lecturer: 

Witold Pedrycz (IEEE Fellow, 1998) is Professor and Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Computational Intelligence in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He is also with the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. In 2009 Dr. Pedrycz was elected a foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In 2012 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. In 2007 he received a prestigious Norbert Wiener award from the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. He is a recipient of the IEEE Canada Computer Engineering Medal, a Cajastur Prize for Soft Computing from the European Centre for Soft Computing, a Killam Prize, a Fuzzy Pioneer Award from the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, and 2019 Meritorious Service Award from the IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society. 

His main research directions involve Computational Intelligence, fuzzy modeling and Granular Computing, knowledge discovery and data science, pattern recognition, data science, knowledge-based neural networks, and control engineering. He has published numerous papers in these areas; the current h-index is 114 (Google Scholar) and 87 on the list top-h scientists for computer science and electronics  //www.guide2research.com/scientists/. He is also an author of 21 research monographs and edited volumes covering various aspects of Computational Intelligence, data mining, and Software Engineering. 

Dr. Pedrycz is vigorously involved in editorial activities. He is an Editor-in-Chief of Information Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Wiley), and Co-editor-in-Chief of Int. J. of Granular Computing (Springer) and J. of Data Information and Management (Springer).  He serves on an Advisory Board of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and is a member of a number of editorial boards of international journals.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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